How To Buy Art
I hope you're enjoying exploring the art on this website. I have more works on show in my Gallery & Studio at 11 Downes Street, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3JR. My Gallery is open from 10am - 4pm on Wednesdays & Saturdays, and by appointment.
Explore my website
If you see a painting that you like on my website, then you can either buy it immediately, or email me on the Contact page to enquire further. Every painting has a standard shipping rate within the UK according to its size, which will be added to the price in the Shopping Cart.
Shipping within the UK
In order to find out the Shipping Cost within the UK, first select the UK from the list on the 'Shipping country' drop-down menu. Then click on the Shipping Method, and the drop-down menu will give you three options: Collect from Gallery (for free), Arrange Shipping After Purchase, or UK Courier, which will be a professional Art Mover that I use.
Shipping outside the UK
If you live outside the UK, please contact me to arrange shipping as I will use a professional Art Mover who will give us an up-to-date estimate for shipping direct to your address.
My Prices
I set the prices for my paintings according to several factors, and while there tends to be a general range of prices from small to large sizes, I also tend to price my paintings according to the experiences I've had with each piece. So, while smaller sized works often have lower price, that isn't necessarily always the case.
Every painting has its own process of coming into existence. Sometimes a painting takes a couple of years to be finished, having been built up with many layers over several months. Other times not so long, the painting might have resolved itself unexpectedly quickly, but still achieved a really successful result. For me, it's all about the feeling that a painting contains, and if I can't improve upon that feeling, then the painting is finished.
Your Budget
I love what I do, and I also want others to also enjoy my art, so I try to make at least some of my art available to smaller budgets. This tends to be my newer, more experimental pieces, where the result is still fresh and surprising. If these newer works haven't sold relatively quickly, then, rather than reduce the price, I tend to raise the price, as it's clear they were actually ahead of their time, and only a more discerning eye will notice them and take the opportunity to invest early on.
So, if you see one of my paintings being offered for a lower price then I advise you to buy it quickly, as it will very likely go up in price at any time!
Discernment in Investment
You will find this same tendency with the best Curators, Art Collectors, Museums and leading Galleries, who have trained themselves to search out and purchase the most interesting, if under-appreciated works by emerging and mid-career artists.
Sorting the wheat from the chaff
I should point out something important here, which is that when you're looking at young artists works, you might sometimes see badly painted works being described as 'challenging' and presented as being ahead of their time. This might have been the case back at the turn of the 20th Century, but it is seldom so nowadays. When judging any work of art, you need to use your discernment to assess the artists' skills with materials, their sense of composition, plus the energy, emotional, and assertive qualities of the painting.
The highest standards
I am always innovating with my paintings. I never rest on my laurels. Every one of my paintings must surprise and delight me. I bring all of my experience to bear in each of my paintings. From my childhood days out painting watercolours with my father, to my teenage plein-air oil paintings, then my early figurative paintings on board, I was always striving to capture a certain truth, at least, my own perception of truth.
Then, my five years as an Abstract artist allowed me to learn about non-figurative painting, the innate physical qualities of the art work, from the stretcher to the qualities of the canvas, and the tactile nature of the surface. And then, the importance of using the best paints, the process of applying the paint, and all the different permutations of mark making, tools, materials, solvents, application techniques, and the effects of gravity on the paint, how to manipulate the paint, all the different consistencies of viscosity and opacity, as well as optics, colour juxtaposition, scale, and ambience.
All this has culminated in my current series of paintings, in particular my West Dorset landscape paintings, which are really at the cutting edge of painting today. This is a body of work that I am immensely proud of, one that I have now been working on for over two decades, and that I will continue to explore over the coming years.